Before Jesus, this is how Jewish teachers interpreted these scriptures.
Chris Tann
JoinedPosts by Chris Tann
Early Evidence for 1 John 5: 7
by Perry initalic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
can anyone verify the new "basic pioneer" rumor?
by Chris Tann inso it's rumored started by one member that there is a new pioneer rank called basic pioneer, announced at annual meeting.
can anyone verify this is true?
everything else presented at the meeting has been verified except this.
Chris Tann
So it's rumored started by one member that there is a new Pioneer rank called basic Pioneer, announced at annual meeting. Can anyone verify this is true? Everything else presented at the meeting has been verified except this. Anyone has true info? Thanks
Early Evidence for 1 John 5: 7
by Perry initalic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
Chris Tann
Daniel 9:26- messiah cut off.
Isaiah 53:5,8-10- servant taken from land of living
Matthew 23:37- Jesus wanted to welcome all Jews, the majority did not want him.
Luke 21:24- because of the leaders and majority rejected Jesus, Jerusalem would be trampled on by nation's,which it has been. Then he says UNTIL the appointed time of the nation's are fulfilled. This implies a restoring of Jerusalem to the Jews only after this appointed time.
Malachi 4:1- Last Hebrew prophet tells of a time coming, burning like a furnace, wicked ones burned like stubble. This happened in 70 c.e.
1 Peter 1:1-Peter is writing to Jews of the Diaspora; the Jewish remnants of those scattered from the Babylonian exile. It was because of Jesus that these Jews were gathered back to God through the Good News. This was foretold in Jewish scriptures.
Early Evidence for 1 John 5: 7
by Perry initalic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
Chris Tann
I think not Designs. But Iam open minded, please give some proof of your claim. Thanks
Early Evidence for 1 John 5: 7
by Perry initalic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
Chris Tann
Designs, that is a theory, not a fact.
Early Evidence for 1 John 5: 7
by Perry initalic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
Chris Tann
Good work Perry. I heard about this before. There is another quote of Jesus in John 14:14 where in the New World Translation it reads " ask anything in my name" taken from the IT manuscript ,which is 2nd to 4th century. However in the reference bible the footnote quotes the P66 manuscript ,which is from 200 c.e.. it has Jesus saying "ask ME anything...". Now depending on the exact date of the earliest manuscript of the IT, the P66, which has Jesus telling His disciples to ask him... referring to prayer; P66 May be the earliest. And the rule is the earliest probably is the correct one.
To Transfuse or Not To Transfuse
by Chris Tann inwhen my son became baptized as a witness at age nine, it worried me that he could now get a no blood card.
i wanted to make sure if blood transfusions were really as disgusting to "jehovah" as i was taught.
i already found out some things about my beliefs that were not true, so it wasn't hard for me to be questionable about this.. i first looked in the reasoning book under blood as to why we don't accept transfusions.
Chris Tann
Thanks C o f t y. Nice research. Two questions though. How do we know for sure that if an Israelite found a dead animal he didn't have to bleed it. I know the text doesn't say he must bleed it , but could that just be because the preceding verses already stated one must bleed an animal first and therefore bleeding is implied? Also, why is it impossible to bleed an animal already dead? Thanks.
Is the AGM today?
by hamsterbait inanybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
Chris Tann
I believe that there is going to be a special meeting televised in every congregation in November. This may be the event for the "shocking" announcement.
To Transfuse or Not To Transfuse
by Chris Tann inwhen my son became baptized as a witness at age nine, it worried me that he could now get a no blood card.
i wanted to make sure if blood transfusions were really as disgusting to "jehovah" as i was taught.
i already found out some things about my beliefs that were not true, so it wasn't hard for me to be questionable about this.. i first looked in the reasoning book under blood as to why we don't accept transfusions.
Chris Tann
Excellent observation Island Man. A transfusion of any kind is not a misuse of the poduct being transfused. Witnesses have branded it a misuse incorrectly,only to promote their incorrect doctrine about blood.
To Transfuse or Not To Transfuse
by Chris Tann inwhen my son became baptized as a witness at age nine, it worried me that he could now get a no blood card.
i wanted to make sure if blood transfusions were really as disgusting to "jehovah" as i was taught.
i already found out some things about my beliefs that were not true, so it wasn't hard for me to be questionable about this.. i first looked in the reasoning book under blood as to why we don't accept transfusions.
Chris Tann
So true Help Me Out. What Jesus said helps us to see that one is permissible to break a command if it was to save a life, even an animals. A blood transfusion is definitely administered to save a life.